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Price units in Lodgit Desk

Here you can find an overview over all price units that can be used in Lodgit Desk.

… for accommodations (in Object Management)

For all examples, we are using a demo booking from Dec 12, 2017 to Jan 4, 2018.

per night

This price unit multiplies the base price with the number of nights of the booking.
The price unit per night/person multiplies the base price with the number of nights and with the number of guests of the booking.

The demo booking covers 10 nights. For a price of $10/night, the end amount would be $100.

per day

This price unit multiplies the base price with the number of days of the booking.
The price unit per days/person multiplies the base price with the number of days and with the number of guests of the booking.

The demo booking covers 11 days. For a price of $10/days, the end amount would be $110.

per week

This price unit multiplies the base price with the number of weeks of the booking. The weeks are calculated nightly, e.g. a booking of 3 nights would cost 3/7 of the base price.
The price unit per week/person multiplies the base price with the number of weeks and with the number of guests of the booking.

The demo booking covers 1 week and 3 nights. For a price of $210/week, the end amount would be $300.

per week (daily rates)

This price unit multiplies the base price with the number of weeks of the booking. The difference is that here, the weeks are calculated daily, not nightly.
The price unit per week/person multiplies the base price with the number of weeks and with the number of guests of the booking.

The demo booking covers 1 week and 4 days. For a price of $210/week, the end amount would be $330.

per month

This price unit multiplies the base price with the number of months of the booking. This price unit does not do daily or nightly rates, the base price is multiplied with every month that’s started for the booking (one month leads up to the equivalent date of the following month). Entries in Price Management have no influence on units with this price unit; and the price unit cannot be selected in Price Management.
The price unit per month/person multiplies the base price with the number of months and with the number of guests of the booking.

The demo booking covers 1 month. For a price of $500/month, the end amount would be $500.

per year

This price unit multiplies the base price with the number of months of the booking. This price unit does not do daily or nightly rates, the base price is multiplied with every year that’s started for the booking (one year leads up to the equivalent date of the following year). Entries in Price Management have no influence on units with this price unit; and the price unit cannot be selected in Price Management.
The price unit per year/person multiplies the base price with the number of years and with the number of guests of the booking.

The demo booking covers 1 year. For a price of $10,000/year, the end amount would be $10,000.

flat fee

Whenever this price unit is used, the base price is the end price and will not be influenced by the booking time frame. Entries in Price Management cannot influence bookings using this price unit; this price unit is also not available in Price Management. Also, this price unit can only be selected for rentable units, however, for extras, the price unit “per piece” can be used.
The price unit flat fee/person multiplies the base price with the number of guests of the booking.

No matter the time frame of the booking, the end price is the same as the base price.

… for services (in Extras Management)

per person

This price unit multiplies the base price with the number of guests of the booking.

per piece

This price unit multiplies the base price with the amount entered within the booking.
Similar price units are per night, per day, per week, per week (daily rates), per month, per year, per pair, per hour, per litre, per kWh, per m3.

ATTENTION, also the time-related price units as per night, per day, …, per year, see above, are calculated exclusively with the indicated number of pieces and NOT automatically with the time frame. If this is desired, the price unit for each [time frame]/piece must be selected, see below.

per [time frame]/person

This price unit multiplies the base price with the time frame as well as with the number of guests entered in the booking.
Those price units are per night/person, per day/person, per week/person, per week/person (daily rates), per month/person, per year/person.

per [time frame]/piece

This price unit multiplies the base price with the time frame as well as with the amount entered in the booking.
Those price units are per night/piece, per day/piece, per week/piece, per week/piece (daily rates), per month/piece, per year/piece.