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The interface “GASTWARE” enables the automatic addition of sales from your electronic point of sales to Lodgit Desk. The turnovers are automatically assigned as extra items to the corresponding booking. If sales cannot be added automatically, Lodgit Desk displays them in an error log for further manual processing.


To define the preferences for the “GASTWARE” interface go to:
Windows: Edit > Preferences > EPOS Systems
Mac OS X: Lodgit Desk > Preferences > EPOS Systems
and select the interface “GASTWARE”.


To use the interface properly the following things are necessary.

Interface Active

This activates or deactivates the interface. If the interface is deactivated, no guest-unit-file is created and no bookings are being analysed.

Location for the guest-unit-file “GWCHECKIN.DAT”

This is the location where your software expects the file “GWCHECKIN.DAT”. This file is automatically created by Lodgit Desk and contains a list of all currently checked in guests. This location can be on a network, but Lodgit Desk needs to be allowed to write in this location.

Location for the revenue file “GWUMSATZ.DAT”

This is the location where your software expects the file “GWUMSATZ.DAT”. This file is automatically created by the gastronomy software and contains a list of sold products and services (revenues). This location can be on a network, but Lodgit Desk needs to be allowed to write in this location.

Carriage Return

The check mark activates the automatic insertion of an additional carriage return, i.e. an additional empty line at the end ofGWCHECKIN.DAT. You can find out if you need to check the box by checking that all checked-in guests are displayed. If this
is not the case, please check the box.

File processing

Select the version that your EPOS system supports.

Actions Menu

The guest-unit-file and the revenue file will automatically be created and analysed by the software and Lodgit Desk.

Using the Actions Menu  aktionsmenue you can create the guest-unit-file and the revenue file manually to check if and how it works. You can also use this menu to open the error log.

Tax rates

VAT rates

Assignment of the three VAT rates “Full”, “Reduced” and “None”. All three must be assigned. Value-added tax rates can be assigned under
Windows: >Edit >Preferences >Taxes
Mac OS X: >Lodgit Desk >Preferences >Taxes