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Edit price and price unit for a booking

If you want to edit the price, price unit or tax rate of a certain booking, you can do so by opening the booking window and following these steps:

Edit a price time frame

1. Open the booking window of the booking that you want to edit, then go to Services / Accommodation.

2. To change the price for the booking, click the field Price and enter the price you want.

3. To change the price unit for the booking, click the field Price Unit and select the price unit you want.

4. To change the tax rate of the booking, click the field Tax and select the tax rate you want.

If you change a price or price unit in the booking window, the change will only be valid for this one booking. It does not effect the basic settings for the unit and therefor also does not affect other bookings within this unit.

These changes can only be made in booking with the status Offer or higher.

Please keep in mind that the price or price unit cannot be changed once an invoice has been made.

4. Close the booking window or switch to a different list point to save your changes. 

Split a price time frame

1. Open the booking window of the booking that you want to edit.

2. Select the time frame you want to split, then go to Split selected price time frame… in the Actions menu. This will open the following window:

3. Enter the date for the split and press Save. Your booking will now have two price time frames that you are free to edit (e.g. for giving a discount from the 3rd day of the stay).

Merge price time frames

1. Open the booking window of the booking that you want to edit.

2. Select the price time frames you want to merge and then select Merge selected price time frames… from the Actions menu. This will open the following window.

3. Enter the settings for the new merged time frame and then press Save.