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Add guests to a booking

You can add guests from the Guest Management to a booking. The number of guests you can add does not depend on the number you have specified under “number of guests” in the Stay data (i.e. you can add more guests to a booking than you have specified).

1. Open the booking window of the booking you want to edit.

2. Go to Guests / Group.

If the main contact is listed as being a guest (box “Is A Guest” is checked) they will automatically be added to the guest list under Guests. If not, the list stays empty at first. If needed, you can add the guest’s information later when they check in.

When a guest note has been added to a guest the info symbol  will appear next to the guest under Guests. Double-clicking the symbol will take you to the Guest Notes.
If the guest is a regular this symbol will appear next to their name: Stammgast

3. To add more guests, press the button plus. This will open Guest Management where you can select an existing guest or add a new one (see Add Guest).

The automatic group of the main contact (marked by the Kette symbol) in the guest management window only shows guests that have previously checked in with the main contact. To show all guests, go to the group below called All.

4. Select one or several guests that you want to add to the booking and then press the button “Add to booking ‘..’“. The guest management window will then stay open for other actions.

You can also double-click on a guest to add them to the booking. In that case, the guest management window will be closed after the guest has been added.

If you want to edit or complete the guest data, double-click on the name and the guest management window will open showing the guest profile. Enter the data and close the window.

If you want to delete a guest from a booking, select their name in the Guest list and then press the button minus.

If you add a guest to a booking using the Guest list, this guest will automatically be listed as a companion to the main contact in the Guest Management.

You can sort the list by its columns by clicking on the column headers. Clicking once will sort the list by this column into descending order, clicking again will sort it into ascending order.